End of the year 2008 is happily busiest days in my life. after entering winter holidays, even slightly before it I met various friends almost everyday including, colleagues in my company, friends from University, New friends from other company, seniors from part-time job, what else...., oh, friends from primary school, friends of my friends! What I found is I mostly meet those people in Shibuya. I don't know why and I prefer to avoid it because Shibuya is too noisy. City for students. but it is also fact that I used to be there and if in shibuya I have no trouble to find the restaurants. Funny even if I was invited to join dinner, it happens in Shibuya. OK, it doesn't matter where I meet friends, the important thing is to spend and share time with them.
My birthday is 28th Dec. This year I was luckly cerebrated in 5 parties!! that would be a maximum in my life. one reason is because it can happen next to Christmas party or celebration for end of the year. In other words, "Pure" birthday party is hard to happen in my life. That is the thing I always complained to my mam, "Please SEPARATE my birthday party to Christmas party, so do PRESENT!!"
The more hard to live with serious job, The more I am sensitive to warm feeling from others. Especially in my room full of birth day presents.
It gets colder and colder in Japan. It is very difficult to get out from the warm bed.
Recently economy gets worse all over the world, but now Japanese yen is strong relatively to other currency so people says now is the time to travel abroad. Especially, 1US$ worths 88 yen, which I have seen the same situation some times around 10 years ago, anyway i was surprised to hear the current currency power balance.
But it never give any effect on me beacuse even if I got strong currency I have no time for travelling, even if I have travelling inside of Japan. but you see, Japanese yen has no power in Japan. Even evryone thinks traveling Japan is much expensive than traveling abraod.
So what? I am a genius (looks too much confidence;)) to find something interesting around myself. Last weekend I enjoyed Ginza, which is the place Sony building is as I post before. Ginza is the place you can find the nice restaurant even if you didn't check them in advance. Of course the avereage fee for foods and drink is higher than other place in tokyo but still there are reasonable restaurants.
We were 10 people drinking together and conversation became hot when we tallked about snow bording tour in Feb. It would be great if we can lent a cotage and stay at night after playing snow bord. I am almost beginer of the snow bording but some of us are experienced players. it would be more enjoyable if I can get a fiends as a coach next to me!
Stable, Secure job, how can I describe the life witout any wave? One of my colleagues said that good job and good life and appropriate social level is not secure in fact. she is saying this because that grows the alibiity to protect someting but nothing else. Actually people have to live in any situation. In that case, Protecting something is only one of the anbilities to survive in severe world. In that mean I guess she said being current posion and trying to protect it is not always safe.
--------------------------------- People want people in winter.
This is because it is cold in winter. Then, what makes you warm? Stove? no. Poeple warm you up. I got a mail on my mobile from a friends. She gave me a mail because she met a friend who works in the same office as me and she was crying over her job since she got much stress on her job. Therefore my friend kindly worried about me as well. I wasn't really depressed with my job but the mail was just like "Out of the blue" so that I was glad to know someone takes care of me.
---------------------------------- Don't cry! say NO instead!
Some children are not really good at showing thier real emotion because of something. They are strugglig to express thier emotion properly and the strugling became tons of tears running from big eyes. Then mom says ( especiilay fro boys), "Don't cry, show your real emotion to others. To show anger is an element of communication." In the culture of dignity,"徳治主義" Showing anger is almost eaqual to badness. It is always natural to make effort to imperove oneselfs if it's poepole. The dignity emphasized culture everyone tray to be a person who got dignity. But what the hell the dignity is? dignity is the atomosphere for people to ovey him/her witout any presseure on others moreover the preson who got dignity is liked by evryone even if he/she do nothing special.
And now, what will happen to the poeple who are in the dignity culture? the answer is all citizens become poker face. Namely poeple reraly show their emotions on their faces. basically what is the things people don't like in common? Anger, Uneasy, something dark, negative.To get rid of them from the facial expression you will automatially become poker face which other poeple never be able to read the change in your emotion. you may think even if pople lose the power to express the anger, still they can show the happines or smile one thier face. It seems right but human is not so simple. If you throw away the effort to show the bad emotion, good emotion also can't be expressed on the face. It is just like pople don't pay attention to show expression on thier fases nevertheless good or bad feelings.
So back to the original story, Children growing in the porker face culture unconciously learn not to show express thier feelings apart from parents's expectation. the thing which makes children are real children is to show emotion freely not thinking of any unbreathing rules in the society. I personally feel the kids are really cute if they are crying loudly with tears which is almost making a water fall from eyes. And the eyes looking out of the windows curiously occupy my heart with pureness and feeling to cover them from the all things making them cry.
----------------------------------------------------------- No ipod, No life
What my comuting time enjoyable is ipod. I can leave my purse in the room but not ipod;) This is partly because ipod is a muic portal device. I can't be prepared to work without listrning to music. It sould be something slow, soft, giving ease to me. "Good looking out" is my recent favorite song.
Is it sweet? Blackberry is a berry which is not sweet but smart! how common is it in Japan? not so much. I have never seen who uses it. (maybe i'm not in the center of the business;)NTT docomo, ehich is a telecom in Japan,they sell Brackberry in limited stores. Anyway it's not so common and other telecom in Japan seems not to sell it in thier shops.
The Big 3 Telecom Operator in Shingapore: Shingtel: this is a telecom worldwide telecome company having branches in many areas in Asia. and they of course have Brackberry solution with 2 type fee systems as far as I know. and also They are presenting Microsoft Windows Mobile 5.0 solution for enterprizes. The solution enables users to use Microsoft Office, such as Outlook, popwepoint, word, excel, etc. If the company currently is adopting Exchange server, they also can shere their scheduler with thier PC and Mobile.
M1(Mobile One) :they are domestic company with in Shingapore but people say that M1 is the best on it's usage for cutomer, means it is easy to use thier services or function. They also prepare the Blackberry solution for Enterprize. Actually Blackberry needs either Lotus domino or MS OCS in some cases, I just don't remember it clearly.
Starhub: They are also singaporian domestic company and it is said they are the cheapest on mobile services in Singapore. But What I was interested in was they have thier own system of a discount scheme for roaming which is called "Green Rorming 108" something like that( again I'm not sure the name of the service).
As for mobile network, 2.5G now looks common in shingapore, which is not so enough to clear data communication. From 3G the data communication can be operated well. And Smartphones which i describe today is data centric systems so the stable infrastructure for data communication is needed for the environmnet for use of Smartphone.
The big difference between Japanede mobile fee scheme and that of Other countries is the system of SIM card and Prepaid mobile usage. Prepaid is rarely used by Japanese and SIM card is registered only for one telecome and you can't use it in the devices which is sold by other telecoms.
The consept of Smartphone is basically, "Bring your office even outside" But it means you never be able to leave the office?! It scared me;) Of corse I'm more or less satisfied with my current job but it doesn't mean I want to bring my office even at lanch in holiday!
Nokia is the strong even in Asia and I've heard that they will stop to produce the cheap devices and will concentrate to manufacture the hi-end devices only. I'm looking forward to seeing it. Motolora seems to produce the devices which supports windows mobile and so do HTC, LG, Sumsung, i-mate.
Economic crisis hits Japan Toyota, or the oter motor company start restructuring in the end of this year. Moreover there are companies cancled it's potential employees who was suppoesed to join them in next spring. Temporary workers are cut gradually. Here what I think is the importance of self development otherwise if I lose the job no body would employ me.
Currency South Africa: Land Sweden:Clone? Korea:Won Thai:barts? Inida:Rp. Japan:Yen The Czech Republic: Kc Brasil:? Myanmar:?
What is the good answer She likes someone who got girl friends but she liked him before he got girl friend! What can I commnet on this. Girls be ambicious! That is not sweet memory jsut like strawberry but bitter like Blackberry!!