
European joke

Yes, I don't understand European joke well. Why I'm sayin this is
because a colleague in Netherland gave me a mail putting some joke
below in the mail in which we discussed serious topic.

I somehow replied to him with not skillful phrase I'll how he will commnet on it.

If we talk about communication, As my personal opinion,
Japanese can be one of the worst citizens to handle joking.
This is because our geographical history. As you may know Japan has isolated
from other continents from the ancient time. Also it is remarkable history that
Japan has a history of "sakoku", which leterally means chained/closed country by our selves rejecting the communication with other countries.that was because the persons
controling politics in Japan were afraid of being invated by others as some religional wars happened and it influenced japanes citizens to grow a personality
which was not convinient for shogun to control them.

It seems we tends to be isolated when we faced on difficulity.
If I think about myself, I more or less can understand it.
Maybe the poerson who really feel sympathy to the idea of isolating
while being in difficult situation will be "hikikomori" which is now
"hot" social topic in Japan.

what is hikikomori?
hikikomori means persons who is doing everything in his room by being feeded by
parents(for persons living alone offten use online order from PC and have the food from delivery staff)and don't make any single step out from thier own room or home.

......hey, hey, see your potential in wide open space?
If they can do it, they already had done it.
Comlex matter lies under any situation and condition surrounding people.
can't say anything on it, proberbly personal matter for each person.

Quick dicision! Quick action!

F(Friend):Oh, is it express station?
F:oh, ...it could be nice to go to Nagoya(The cisty where TOYOTA headquater is located)
F:shall we go?
I: why not?
(10 sec, 22:00 PM, Saturaday night)

we counted the fee to go to Nagoya.

F:...God! too expensive than expected!
I:impossible to go with our money we have now!
F:nnn...wanted to go
I:how about Atami(The city of Spa)?
F:Sounds good, check the train schedule.
I:15 minuites to go.
F:Run, Miki! we need snack and drink before getting on the train.
It's trip!

Rush to a shop, grab the chocolate&cookies and tea.

In the train;
I:We will reach Atami 0:00.
F:Where will we stay?
I:No idea. let's search the hotels in Atami by using internet with our mobile.
F:I found several hotels.
I:Good, let's call them one by one.

Calling......Is there any room for tonight?Sorry but it's full today.
Ok. Thank you  × 10 and more

I:It's Saturday. I have forgot this is the day of the week which is most
busiest time for hotels.
F:Yeah, but we are already on the train to Atami.
I:Of course we can't get out from train in any station.
F:See the out side of window, less light apears as we are close to Atami.
I:I know Atami is in a countyside to relax in the spa.
F:let'S keep on calling other hotels.
I:Be positive, It'll be alright.

No hotels having rooms. We arrived at Atami station.

F:Let's talk to train staff near the ticket gate.
GATE: Here is the list of the hotels around.
I:Anyway let's go with this list.
F:It looks like one of the hotel listed. let's ask
I:why not

HOTEL FRONT:We have only one room left and it is delax room.
It charge you 14500 yen usually but it is late of the day,
We serve you it with discount for 10500 yen!

It was discounting eaquals to that we saved two way ticket from Tokyo to Atami.
In other words, Much cheaper hotel fee than we expected.(10500 yen is not really
cheap in terms of hotel charge but if we consider the situation we are in, I have to
say it was more than reasonable to pay 10500 yen for hotel)

So, If people decide to do something, it is the begining to have
something positive, excited, sence of corporation....and,
warm roof for stay the night! keep your body and brain freash to
be active!


Bad internet connection is not still recovered.
That dismotivates me a lot.
I am only a person to repair it but not actively work on it.
what do I have to do?......Read above!;)
how lazy I am! Basically no excuse for this but
I only pointed out this; If someting is effective (connective for internet?)
sometimes, people get used to it!!


Posting less

I haven't posted for almost more than 3 weeks.
It was because bad connection to the internet and
no ernergy to recover it.

Recently I try to finish my work before 18:00 every weekday.
Then what I have to do is to think how efficiently I work during a day.
I prioritize my tasks and time management is also needed.
most of my work is related to English but I really feel I need more Japanese skill
to strengthen my English. People understand and recognize things in thier mother tangues.

What makes me confidence is that I almost achieved my purpose which is losing my weight by 5kg. The plan goes well, currently I am enjoying my body is lighter than before. More motivation for fasion. ....looks like teenager I am but still it is fine to enjoy something.

I have to get at least one certification by the end of March. This is just a remider
for myself.