It took around 30-40 minuites to draw this picrture.
Again I was drawing during a lesson...
of course no problem about writing down what a teacher said...........;)))))maybe!
Recently I feel that it became easier to see the difference
between shadow and lighted parts in fabric.
In the picture, you can't see what the inside of a cloth is
but in fact there should be arms or body.
Then if the marterial of fabric is soft,
the shapes of human body can be recognised easily.
And in fabric the way of waving will be change along to it.
here, the cloth which a boy wears
doesn't look like so soft material, rather the size seems to be
too big for him.
I tried to draw a picture imaging his body is inside of the cloth.
it was helpfull for me at least to think about that
that is a fabric which is worn by a boy, not just faric.
I think it is important to think like this
this kind of idea will be effective to draw better pictures
even if it look no direct connection to drawing pictures better.
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