Real sakura not in picture!
you can find the dog in the movie
painted in oil painting at previous posting.

this is an oil painting.
I painted it 2 years ago as I remember.
I desplayed it in art club exhibition
during school festival.
When I was in highschool, I took an art class.
It was just like a selection course
I had some other choices sush as music or
calligraphy class but I chose art.
In the class I learned basic skill of oil painting.
though it wasn't so professional class
but I was glad that at leastI could have a chance to know
how to paint a drawing with oil.
The model of this picture is my dog in my parents house.
her name is sakura.
Sakura means cherry blossom in Japanese.
we named her sakura because we started to keep her
in the season of cherry blossom and
she was found under the cherry blossom tree
after being left by previous owner.
At fist
she was crying quite sadly all the time when she saw a wagon.
and we guess maybe the previous owner had a wagon car
even he could use it in the day when he left sakura.
It seems she was still waiting her owner to pick her
up again and live together with her.
But the owner never show up.
and now she became an "orphan" dog.
If nobody take her home she supposed to send
to the center waiting to be killed.
then my family decided to welcome her
as a member of my family.
Now she is fawning on us.
I always wonder if she got a human language,
what wold she speak to us.
"take me more often for a walk"
"give me sweets more"(she likes sweets like young girls)
"play with me more"
she is noughty.
I hope it is not true that
a dog will be similar to its owner....;)
Chrsitmas 4
Christmas 3
Christmas 2
Christmas 1
Fill the broken heart with burgers
we made this short movie to promote
a kind of student internship abroad.
The message of this movie was
"Go to internship abroad,
anything can be
motivation for it"
it is obviously a kind of comedy.ha!
A boy in this movie eats burgers or frenchfries
as if there were no tomorrow after breaking up
with his girl friend because of stupid quarrel.
there is no lines here
but the lyric of music which is used in the movie
show the feeling of characters.
unfortunately, it is Japanese....!mmmm....
In the last scene
a boy in this movie found
a message in wrapping paper of a burger......
"why don't you go to internship?"
and he starts to think to do
something new instead of doing meaningless thing
like overeating.
this time it was an internship for him.
Any challenges will give you
something new, right?hehe.
human face

sometimes it is easier to draw face of people who have
uneaven feature on face.
That's why the statue used as a model of drawing
is offten someone who looks from someone from the west.
when I was traveled in Europe
I thought that basically Europe has something
uneven everywhere. Artitechture, hua lot of sculptures,
carving, and human face;) even intonation of language!
It is likely common sense that Japanese has
flat intonation which sounds reading sutra!?
Cartoon Picture

An art class teacher toought us that
we can never use cartoon pictures as a model of drawing
when I was in high school.
It is because that most parts which catroon characters have
is far from reality.
Typical example is
the proportion of the eye
in a face.
it is too big, isn't it?
big eyes are a kind of symbol as a pretty girl and
in the cortoon world there are numbers of that kind of girls,
even boys.
here I introduce to you Inoue Takehiko
he is one of the most famous writer in Japan.
No one can forget how interesting
his cartton is.
"SLUM DUNK" is definitely his masterpiece
Next to SLUM DUNK he began to be famous.
He is a writer who draws pictures
unlike any other cartoon whiters.
His cartoon picture was drawn based on
reality.There is no too big eyes or
too long legs.
Of courase he draws funny picture which is totally
far from reality in his works
but he does it only when he tries to make a fun
during a story.
SLUM DUNK was a story of guys playing the Basketball
in high school.
in the train
Today I visited the main office of NEC.
In this area we can find businessmans a lot
unlike around the area of my university.
Last year in this season
I started to do job hunting.
At first I tried to apply the company
which is connected to the space.
JAXA, which is "Japanese NASA" but it is not
belong to a nation in Japan.
ha! but it was extremely high level
for a person who know nothing about technical
terms like me.
then I just dreamed to work there.
I also tried to apply the company which produces
fasteners for the wear of astronaut(the fastner never let air in the suit!) .
A campany selling a satellite was interesting for me as well.
In this area we can find businessmans a lot
unlike around the area of my university.
Last year in this season
I started to do job hunting.
At first I tried to apply the company
which is connected to the space.
JAXA, which is "Japanese NASA" but it is not
belong to a nation in Japan.
ha! but it was extremely high level
for a person who know nothing about technical
terms like me.
then I just dreamed to work there.
I also tried to apply the company which produces
fasteners for the wear of astronaut(the fastner never let air in the suit!) .
A campany selling a satellite was interesting for me as well.

Lewis Carroll

This is a portrait of Lewis Carroll.
I'm sure everyone knows at least one of his works.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland(1865).
Again, I draw this portrait during a class as a student
who looks studying hard cause I was concentrating on writing
It seems I have a class for drawing picture at third period every Monday.
What I like is a professor of the class is not mobile!!
So he never check what I am doing in his class.
I hope I look like a serious student who are concentrating to take note
for him just like a"serious dog" which I posted last time;) ha!!
But as you can see, I wrote down what I thought important as well
for final exam of the class beside drawing.
The professor told us important things again and again in different ways
next to his plenty of knowledge for expressions or phrases
but actually he says one same thing repeatedly for me.
I wish he wouldn't give us a vocabulary test....!
Let me talk about
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
a little.
It is thought a first pure fantasy book in modern juvenile book.
It is written for children just for fun simply
without any instructive story.
Once poeple thought children is helpless and imperfect so that
adults have to save their soul with education.
Children were seemed to be just like minitures of adults.
as a result there were only two types of adults which are strong
ones and weak ones, children.
that was an spreaded idea for kids.
Regardless of the idea,
Some people started to have another concept.
Philosopher John Locke, who saw sprits of children as
a white canvas, said that we should give a book
which was enjoyable for kids and also suitable for thier
capacity in his book"Some thoughts concerning education"(1693)
that is the begining of "The Discovery of Childhood".
The number of followers of John's idea increased gradually
and children could begin to have a choice for books,
which tell them moral story or purely give a fun.
Finally children got proper position in society as a human
who is spontenious and have a personality.
Then a book like Alices's Adventures in Wonderland published.
It was a first book totally free from something which aimed to educate children and
exactly fantasy.
That's why Alice's Adventures in Wondarland
is thought as a remarkable work in juvnile books
of modern literature.
A serious dog

haha, he(she?) is more serious than me!
never sleep in the class!
What I motivate to draw something is
how much I can be interested in the object.
In this drawing,
I didn't care about details.
and I got to know perhaps
there is some special technique to express
hairy part of animal cause it is difficult to
draw it only with pencil.
With a pencil a point can be round quickly as you use
but to express hairy part
I'm sure we should keep sharp pointed pen all the time.
it can give detailed expression of a thin hair.
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