This is a portrait of Lewis Carroll.
I'm sure everyone knows at least one of his works.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland(1865).
Again, I draw this portrait during a class as a student
who looks studying hard cause I was concentrating on writing
It seems I have a class for drawing picture at third period every Monday.
What I like is a professor of the class is not mobile!!
So he never check what I am doing in his class.
I hope I look like a serious student who are concentrating to take note
for him just like a"serious dog" which I posted last time;) ha!!
But as you can see, I wrote down what I thought important as well
for final exam of the class beside drawing.
The professor told us important things again and again in different ways
next to his plenty of knowledge for expressions or phrases
but actually he says one same thing repeatedly for me.
I wish he wouldn't give us a vocabulary test....!
Let me talk about
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
a little.
It is thought a first pure fantasy book in modern juvenile book.
It is written for children just for fun simply
without any instructive story.
Once poeple thought children is helpless and imperfect so that
adults have to save their soul with education.
Children were seemed to be just like minitures of adults.
as a result there were only two types of adults which are strong
ones and weak ones, children.
that was an spreaded idea for kids.
Regardless of the idea,
Some people started to have another concept.
Philosopher John Locke, who saw sprits of children as
a white canvas, said that we should give a book
which was enjoyable for kids and also suitable for thier
capacity in his book"Some thoughts concerning education"(1693)
that is the begining of "The Discovery of Childhood".
The number of followers of John's idea increased gradually
and children could begin to have a choice for books,
which tell them moral story or purely give a fun.
Finally children got proper position in society as a human
who is spontenious and have a personality.
Then a book like Alices's Adventures in Wonderland published.
It was a first book totally free from something which aimed to educate children and
exactly fantasy.
That's why Alice's Adventures in Wondarland
is thought as a remarkable work in juvnile books
of modern literature.
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