It is known as a high quality chocolate brand
from Bergium.
What it the meaning of GODIVA?
GODIVA is the name of a woman
whose husband was a lord of small region.
Oneday the lord decided to take heavy tax
from people.
but the Lady GODIVA, as a wife of lord,
stopped the lord to do it to try to
help poor people.
The lord got angry with her proposal and
he ordered his wife to run outside naked
on a horse to show how she is serious with
her wards.
Then Lady GODIVA did it. while she was running
outside naked, people close the window
not to see her to show respect toward her.
It was the sroty in 11th centry in England
In 1926, a husband and wife started chocolate
shop in Bergium and they named the shop after
the brave women Lady GODIVA.
they saw the deep consideration for people
in lady DOGIVA and make chocolate with
the feeling she had.
that's why the symbol mark of GODIVA
is the naked woman on a horse.
and 14th on february is St.Valentine day.
we Japanese Chocolate campany sell the amount of
chocolate which is one third of whole thier sales in a year.
here is this year's Valentine limited products
form GODIVA released in only Japan

Q: how much is this?
think think think....
means, approximately 7euro.
only for one drop of chocolate?
Just one second to eat it!
5 件のコメント:
first of all, I am more pragmatic and don't believe to such "stories, myths, and legends" that have sole marketing purpose rather than historical and cultural value. I mean, I am amused how people buy such stories and as a result buy those products.
I'd say that such tales are made up for tourists who are eager to believe and accept. Tourists don't judge much, they just nod their heads when you tell them all kind of bullshit about local attractions. Anyway that's what they come for; to have fun and listen to more stories. Same goes for chocolate or local delicacies. Those smart product marketers just buy a page in popular magazine or web-site, post some beautiful story related to some product and touch the feelings of open-minded tourists, and end up selling them piece of chocolate or whatever for triple or quadraple price! Wohoo! Just ask the locals if they buy those things themselves, probably they'll just smile and say: "ohh, it's for tourists!".
And Japan is unique many ways. I'd understand if you sell that Godiva chocolate in Belgium by telling Godiva's brave story. But if those marketers are selling Belgian chocolate with Belgian story in Japan(!), then, hell yes(!), Japan is the place to do the business! :))
it doesn't matter it is true or not.the story itself is nice, don't you think?
Maybe someone can make up the story but at least the story is happy-end that is enough to make people feel warm.
Feeling warm is good!
What I aim to do is to send readers
same feeling as mine in this posting.
It is another story whether people buy products or not.
even if there is beautiful story,
if the taste is disgusting, nobody buy it.
I can say sadly Japanese is known as lowbrow people who are easy to believe what mass media broadcasts.
as you said Japan is the place to do business. Japanese are lowborw and have money more or less. in addition, Japanese are curious for something new or something from abroad because they live in closed country being apart from any continent.
recently Japanese trend is "little high-class taste" in the field of food.
for example,prople prefer choosing the small expensive chocolate like Godiva's to buying large cheap chocolate bar.
And basically we Japaanese is very carefull to be healthy. as a result
they became sensitive for news about what they eat.
not only china but also US we
were scared to eat because beef from US is said that it has possibility to cause serious brain disease.
so distrust for food and likenss for high-class taste push GODIVA
to be a popular bland in Japan not only by the smart marketers.
actually the company which deal with GODIVA is not so big and doesn't have many blands to sell.
but they select the blands really strictly. they know the real tasty
products. Godiva was inported by them more than 20 years ago as I remember but at that time nobody bought Godiva because people thought who paid lots of money just for chocolate. Godiva didn' fit the demand then.
I remember paying $7 for a chocolate coated strawberry when I was in the US last April ... it was yummy though! :)
I remember paying 4 Euros for an apple coated with caramel in Berlin in last December... It was at the Xmas market. Let's put it roughly in this way;
- apple ~ 20 Euro cents,
- caramel coat ~ 40 Euro cents,
- idea (minimum) = 20 + 40 = 60 Euro cents
- timing ~ I'd give +1 Euro
- target (tourists) ~ priceless!
alrite, just making fun of it ;)
GODIVA is not the highest chocolate brand actually. GODIVA products is basically made in Bergium but now they have factories also in US and France.
and they made limited seasonal goods time to time so maybe the chocolate you had in US was probably the limited editon cause now I can't see it in shops.
An apple coated with caramel!
seems really cute and sweet.
Priceless;)...I agree with it;)