1 beef patties
2 pampkin soup
3 vegetable salad
4 avocado dip
5 strenge cake(?)
we tousted some slices of bread and
sanded what we made between them!
convasation with kaori, my cooking partner,
while cooking
"miki, chop onions into pieces!"
"wait wait, I'm peeling them now.
kaori, can you wash the letteuce and tomates before
slice them?"
"sure. and do you know where eggs are?
I want one to mix it with beef"
"eggs are on the top of fridge"
"...oh, I found it. "
we prepared some snacks as well beside main dish.
we supposed to have three people this day
but one of them caught a cold and couldn't come.
at the end of dinner
we ate cake, yeah...rather I can say it is something with cream.
even we didin't know how to eat it properly and
hesitate to try it.
sorry for a mess on the table...just after the party even for two people,
you know?;)
it remind me that I used to cook sweets with my old sister
when I was a child.
we had made most kind of sweets,
doughnuts,cookies, many kind of cheese cakes,
chocolate cakes, jerry, meat pie,
cream puff, pudding, ice cream, candy.......
what else?????
cooking was kind of experiment which I carry out easily.
of course it doesn't show good results always
for example
onece I made a salty pound cake;)
imagine what the taste is!
I put salt instead of suger into mixied ingredients!
I could know something wrong with the cake
because it didin't looks fluffy when I take it out
from the oven!
what the one big differnce between
sweets cooking and usual one is
that you can try the taste during cooking
or not.
the preasure of sweets cooking is to see the
result only at last, besides that of usual cooking
is to add spice or whatever you want
to the pan and adjust the taste to most preferable one.
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