I tried to draw something.
By chance I found a magazine which features on Praha this month.
Prague castle and charl bridge was the title cover on the magazine
and I turn over the pages finding places I visited together with several
from one of the pages I chose a picture which can drive me to copy.
it was the drawing you can see above.
To my surprise,
after the drawing, I recognized
the woman (or man, }I don't know)in the drawing looks nervous.
In fact in the model picture I copied, she just closes her eyes. you can't
see any emotional feeling.
It is the art which can be taken in any ways depending on the person
who see it. but I didn't see the women angry so why did I draw like that?
maybe it's difficult to hide emotion in this way like drawing
even if you can do it very well with words.
Maybe it is too famous that
there is the pycologic test to check what you really feel in depth
by drawing a picture of a tree on the white paper,
which is called "tree test" or "Baum test"
how you draw a trunk, branches, leafs, there is fruits on the tree or
drawing roots or not, these are the resourse to judge your hidden
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