Ginbura is a kind of slung which means
just walking around in Ginza.
On weekend, main street becomes only for walkers
and no car allows to come in.
it is really for "ginbura" condition.
SONY, which is so famous too mention as a one of the
biggest campany in Japan,they have thier own building
in the center of Ginza.
Recently they set an big aguarium in front of the building.
and con you guess what kind of fishes are inside of the aquarium?
they were transferd from Okinawa located far from Tokyo,in the
most sounthern part of Japan.

I was with a friend and we decide to come in a cafe
after seeing the aquarium. what we were surprized at
was the price of cup of coffee.
it was totally "Ginza price".
Maybe the cafe we try to enter was kind of special,
of course not every cafe or restaurant give such a high price,
maybe,,,,maybe not?
Tokyo,it is small area when you check by world map, like
small dots in small Japan, But every area in Tokyo
has different culture and taste,that's interesting.
For example...
Shibuya-for young
Shinbashi-business man
Asakusa-mostly for the old,or foreigner
Akihabara-electronic, Manga
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