Dom is a boy who is lazy with thinking his schedule for next week.
Pom starts to think byu himself why he doesn't feel to do his homework all the time.
and he concluded that because he doesn't like homework.
Pom desided to ignore his homeworks.
the homeworks are compiled day by day on his desk.
but he didin't care about it, he kept ignoring his homeworks.
Once his homeworks are compiled upto the ceiling,
the homeworks tower became a real wood
and start to have branches and leaves... even fruits!
Pom picks up one of the fruits
and gave it to Dom.
Because Dom doesn't have any schedule for next week,
he decided to eat half of the fruits
and another half to bury next monday.

The fruits buried in the field grows quickly
because Dom kept watering the buried fruits
every hour.
Finally the buried fruits growed enough to be big tree
having plenty of fruits.

Dom gave one of the fruits to Pom.
Pom came back home and cut the fruits into half.
Then what he found inside of fruits
was the answer to the homeworks
which he compiled on the desk.
but his homeworks had already become a real tree, it was
not homeworks anymore.
That's why Pom made a pie using the fruits and castard cream.
He gave a piece of pie to Dom.
Dom ate it all and wrote a letter to
Pom to thank him for the pie.
To Pom
Thank you for your pie, it was pretty tasty.
I grow up the fruits as I didn't have any plan to do.
That's why I had no stress to grow it up.
I hope you also didn't have any stress to make
the pie.
With love,
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