Sometimes it is natural to feel flustration especially
when you have something strong in your mind.
Laziness can supress one's motivation easily.
It is the thing that we should avoid.
Not everyone can keep their motivation all the time.
It doesn't matter where the motivation exists,
the thing is there is or not.
why people doesn't realize to waste important thing
becaus of thier laziness, the thing they waste might
not come back again, why they lose thier chance just
killing thier time.
It is like a chemistry that you met someone, for excample,
someone in front of you. It is much better to take the chance
as an irreplacefull, worth to consider well.
Use your brain to think these thinks, not to think of something
derived from laziness.
How can we deal with things that you definetely believe it is
right, but others seems not to think same as you.
But they are also correct, but don't have rightness.
If you say we don't have to live for the rightness,
it is also true.
Inventually world is selfish anyway.
Then how can I throw my frustration in the world!
Maybe to space?!
kidding, space is what?
a space is where you can use as much as you like,
Some may dream about going moon,
some may aim to invade,
But it is true we can't escape from the world without CO2
as long as we are human beings.
It doesn't really make sense that you are No.1 in your country,
No offense, but that is really meaningless to be proud of,
Look at the world, everyone, Japan.
wake up.
I really think it is beautifull country, people are nice here.
But it is another story whether you match the culture of mother country.
I may get along with it somehow, that level of adaptation skill
I have. but can we say it is really that I live my life?
I'm not nationalist but have identity as a member of this country.
I want Japan to be good, that is quite natural to feel like that, isn't it?
I don't leave japan but I can chose other option to live in other countries
and think of Japan from the distance. There is affection as well.
the differnt thing is just distance.
if someones motivation is the core to move, dvelop, improve something or someone,
it doesn't matter where you are.
The soul will be deliverd to others regardless of distance as well as history.
who made this world like this in the past,
who can chose the country to be born.
who can chose their parents.
Like and dislike is not the matter.
The important thing is how you want to live your life.
what is the best for you.
it is totally depend on who you are.
I hope everyone can find it.
but it is life that even if you chose what you guess it is best,
if someone may concern to you don't guess same as you,
your guess is just guessing, nothing more.
But no other options to look for your best.
Try and error.
That is only the area that you can insist your age
as advantage. if no try and no error,
what will you insisit to fellows?
no same person in the world here, in the past, in the future.
think think think, and deveop myself.
draw your future as a real picture or video playing.
you can do it, just need a ittle training to think.
what can I do. how can I think.
for what should I go.
when to give up.
I don't want to lose what I found.
no chance to find same thing. there is not the exact same.
we are sensitive enough to recognize even the slight
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