"Change is the only thing which never change"
That is the word to open my eyes to new perspective.
Actually the same pharase is found in old Japanese history.
[The river never stop flowing, and the water never be the same.
Bubbles on the water are coming up on the serface, on the other hand, disappearing.
So do humans and homes.]
It might not be right translation;)
but something like this.
Some of you may know "houjyouki", which is one of the most famous japanese
old literature,written by kamono-choumei.
He had lived around twelve century in Heian era.
In Kanji, which is the character derived from China
and speaded over in Japan, Heian means "ease" or "peace".
it is easy to image how the Heian era was, wasn't it?
Of course there was wars even in peaceful age,
but relatively Heian era is the age of less wars and
stable time in Japanese history.
What I want to write today is not about
Heian era but the phare of CHANGE NEVER CHANGE.
There is nothing which keeps the same status.
Distance is the thing that I never be
able to control. Even if I make any effort as possible as I can,
without a magic, I would not be shorten the distance.
but why? why, why!
Not in technological way, but in financial tool,
the distance can be controled. In short,
you can control distance if you are special rich
enogh to own your jet plane and own pilot,
then you can fly anywhere you want, anytime.
It is like buying the time by money.
in fact you don't control the distance still because
owinig your own jet doesn't mean shortening the
distance. it means only you save your time to wait for bording time
in airport or don't have to be annoied by the high price of a ticket
and also don't have to be bothered to find good discount.
But it doesn't make any sense to crying over these
things that you can never change.
money is the thing of capitalism and the thing for restore
the value. Vaule is in the time you meet
someone who you want to meet. don't want to
measure it by capitalism, don't you think so?
It is much more reasonable to think how to
overcome the dificulities.
In basic, I think we have to be appreciated to have
someting you are passionated to over come.
People say that it is no use to remember the past
but everyone must have unforgettable memony,
so how can you forget it?
Sad and Bad memory can be forgettable,
But how about good one?
It is quite natural that you remeber enjoyable moment
if there is, with pictures or anything holding the moment.
No need to be pessimistic.
But very hard to fight the thing
you can never change.
The more you are realistic,
The more you know how difficult to overcome the difficulities.
It hurts me a lot
to recognize that I have no power to
change the situation,
why I am not the one who can work
everywhere in the world at this moment.
why poeple can't be with whom they want to be.
Repeatedly, meaningless to crying over someting.
We have to live with difficulities.
that is life. soon or later it will be solved.
the only thing we can do is to believe in future.
Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow.
If there is someone who can make him happy
more than you can,that should be a thing to be
If I'm not smile, someone who want me to smile
would be sad. Here what I can do is to keep smiling
and cheerful, good in job, everything.