
Looking forward to see them full bloom

I got the bulbs of turip from Holland.
This time I planted the turip with shorter
stem than usual.I don't know the name of this type
tulip even if I found it on the package of bulbs,
it is written in Dutch so I can't read it.

anyway it was something new for me
and enough curious to see how it looks like
in my garden.

What you should prepare to plant tulip bulbs:

1: a flower pot

(filled with soil. if you can, it is better to put some gravel on the bottom before you

put soil, it helps for water to come out from the pot. so pot should be also has small holes

to let water go.)

2: a scoop


Putting bulbs

You can put bulbs like this. it looks too close to put each bulbs, but it's ok.

then put some more soil to cover the bulbs until you see only the top of


yes, like this.

decorated version;)

I used pumpkin seeds to circle the edge of the pot
also I made flower plate and stick it on the back side.
Oh my turip, I can't wait to meet you!!
and thanks in advance for every sunny day!!

3 件のコメント:

Aibek D. さんのコメント...

nice simple instructions! few corrections though;
- tuLip (not turip, don't confuse people :))
- Pumpkin - not panpkim
- decoRated - not decoLated

why do japanese confuse "R" with "L" a lot?

mikinoki さんのコメント...


It is very kind of you enough to point out my poor mistakes and help to improve my posting!

so, teacher.
what is next homework?;)

Aibek D. さんのコメント...

I will give you next advice, not next homework.
Check your spelling in the dictionary before you send emails/reports in English at work! Seriously, be more careful there.