

Recently I'm more interested in children.
I think this is because more people starts to prepare the
marriage(includes my sister).

Oneday I thought what I 'll do teach somethig to my children.
It is said that when you scold children, you needs to provide
them alway the reason they are scolded . Namely "Why".
But I have a question. What can I tell the reason to scole
if the children is just beging to catch few words?
resons are always has logic that needs at least 3 words
such as subject, verb, object.
What can I do if the scolded child can picked up only

will you say that there is nothing to be scolded for the
childeren who has just picking up the words?

If the scoleded children can understand the logic
why they are scolded, this is the case which we have
to be more carefull I think.

which is the best answer?
-Don't do XXXX, Or you will lose friend and be alone all your life.
-Don't do XXXX, Or Mam will hate you.
-Don't do XXXX, Or you will be arrested.
-Don't do XXXX, Or your loved one will be sad and cry.
-Don't do XXXX, Or you will lose your dignity.

how to scold children would be a topic I think deeply
when I have a child.

Creating a person is besides the responsibility.
I myself don't think to be enough to have children at this moment.
Firstly I think I have to have my own answers more to tell them
my children.

As for having children, Unlikewise usual girl,
I have never dreamed about it. I don't know why but
about this topic, I'm rally realistic as I usually
don't adopt realims in my life as fas as I recognized.

I guess this is because I myself having trouble to
manage by myselves so basically I might think
having one more person to manage, it would be hard.
But I beleive when I meet someone I feel to have the
children with him, I will know the special feeling
and expectation to have chilren. anyway that must be
a big event in my life for sure.

I want my children to grow having thier caracter
colorful. people shold have what only they have thier own,
that should be kept in thier life not being invated anything.
What parents can teach children will be very small,
only something very basic thing as indivisual.
Time to share with children is short if we count thier
whole life, so phisically there is not so many time
to teach something to children anyway.

Children will meet many people and some of them
affects children a lot. but the affection would be
happend becasue the children is the children.
if other children, he won't be effected by the same
thing. I short, what they are influenced is happening
because they have the sence to be influenced by their own.
it would be something they are having natually.

I want to paly frisbee with my children.

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